
Curiosity, it’s a blessing and a curse. It has gotten me into many sticky situations but has taken me on some amazing adventures. 

I wanted to create something within my art style that showed the curiosity I feel. A curiosity that has never left me. One that wants to see more, do more, and experience more. I knew from a young age that I wanted to venture beyond borders and experience new cultures and learn about things that go beyond my imagination. Curiosity is something that I believe is so important in making life that much more exciting.

Night herons here in Bermuda encapsulate this feeling to me. They study the fish below them, yet always have their eyes on the people around them. They put all fears aside to investigate and from their curiosity, they are often rewarded with a snack. They show that there is always a reward for being curious even if you may face a little danger.

Art speaks to everyone differently but my hope is that this work will inspire curiosity in others as they try to figure out the story behind these characters and the intent behind the lines and shapes. After all, art should make you curious.


Goodbye 2022