Goodbye 2022


What a year.

How should I put it…. let’s just say that 2022 and I got along as well as the gym and pizza do.

It was a good year, sometimes, but from a headstrong woman who ‘doesn’t need a man’ it didn’t just bruise my ego, it ran it over like a 10-ton truck and then reversed over it to make sure there was no ego left.

I could go into detail but let’s just say due to things within my control and out of it, that ego is gone!

Moving and exploring Bermuda has allowed me to try new things, paint new subject matter and find more to love in this little world. It has certainly come with its challenges but what adventure doesn’t? The year has taught me more lessons than I think I’ve learned in my lifetime and I am just so thankful for having such a great support system that allows me to continue to chase my dreams even when I crash and fail.

I guess life has a way and knocking you down to size. Now that I’m minuscule I guess I can only grow from here.

So this is what 2023 will be, a year of accomplishing, learning, and growing.
I’ve got my boxing gloves on, we’re going in fighting!

This year is going to be beautiful, more beautiful shall we say!

